Bal Harbour Shops:
Achieve a practical solution that meets the needs of Bal Harbour residents and the iconic center that helps define the Village.
Democratic process: Dependent on the proposal brought forward, allow registered voters to decide outcome of public property.
Develop strategies to protect the beach from erosion.
Assess potential of implementing a lifeguard program to enhance safety of residents and visitors.
Strategic Planning & Vision:
Engage the community in developing a long term Village wide plan to enhance quality of life for the future of Bal Harbour.
Government Center:
The Village requires modern facilities to enhance government services. This includes operational, security and social components.
Address the needs of the community to assess potential of the Village having its own Fire Department and Rescue Squads.
Work with neighboring communities to analyze potential regional solutions.
Engage our neighboring communities and the Florida Department of Transportation to develop solutions to enhance traffic flow.
Council Meetings:
Work with council members to make the meetings more accessible to residents who cannot attend in person.
Streamline meetings to encourage greater participation by attendees and meaningful dialogue of disparate views.
Green Space:
Develop spaces for use by residents and visitors.
To encourage greater resident participation, assess inclusion of Bal Harbour to the Miami-Dade Public Library system so cards do not have to be paid for and reimbursement processed.