People endorsing Jeff Freimark’s candidacy:

“Jeff is knowledgeable, experienced and capable”

Keith Poliakoff.

“We’ve found a person with qualities we admire, that’s Jeff”

Elsie & Eugene Howard.

“Jeff will move the Village in the right direction”

Baruch & Shoshana Halpern.

“Jeff has the knowledge and a fine reputation”

Gil Wachsman.

“Jeff will make sure that Council meetings will be run with dignity and decorum”

Paul Pruess.

“Jeff has a track record of helping people”

Joel Mesznik.

“It’s time to have this caliber of person on the Council”

Sidney Gimbel.

“Jeff has the qualities we need”

Bruce Gelb.

“He’ll provide solid leadership and clear thinking”

Bob Goodman.

“I admire his background and reputation”

Dr. Martin & Alice Grossman.

“Bal Harbour’s future will be in good hands with Jeff”

Danielle & Armand Touboul.

“We are lucky that Jeff agreed to run, he’s a quality person”

Cyrus & Sheila Mager.

“Jeff has the character and judgment we need”

Mark Freeman.

“I know of Jeff’s good work caring for people, he will certainly be a credit to the Bal Harbour Council”

Respected former Mayor and Commissioner, Susan Gottlieb.

Change is inevitable. Change is constant.
Benjamin Disraeli.
“I strongly support Jeff Freimark for the Bal Harbour Village Council.”

Jean Rosenfield, Former Mayor Bal Harbour Village.

“His experience, temperament and knowledge will bring extraordinary leadership to Bal Harbour”

Frank Caplan.
Former Mayor, current Key Biscayne Councilman.


Want to endorse Jeff’s candidacy? Please contact us now!